Common Dogbane Picture

White 1/4 inch flowers from May through August develop into clusters of paired long narrow 5 inch spindle-shaped seed pods, glossy blue/green ovate leaves up to 6 inch long have a whitish bloom to them, sturdy upright stems often have a reddish cast and grow almost shrub-like, develops a tap root and spreads very readily by lateral rhizomes, tolerates very poor and/or gravely soils (including clay), attracts Butterflies, caterpillar host to the Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis), Six-spotted Gray (Spargaloma sexpunctata), & Dogbane Tiger Moth Butterfly (Cycnia tenera). An excellent fiber plant.

Dry To Moist
Sun To Part Shade
2-4 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: 1-10b
Deer Resistant

Native Range: NL to NT & BC south to s. CA, TX and n. FL

Germination - Very Easy: No treatment. Surface sow or lightly cover.

Common Dogbane 3.5 inch pot $12.00
Common Dogbane Seed Packet $5.00

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Common Dogbane Drawing