Purple Milkweed Picture

Wow! This rare milkweed produces deep purple domes of flowers in early summer, broad leaves up to 6 inch long, this species generally doesn't produce seed pods but when it does they are nice & fat eventually splitting to release parachute-borne seeds, attracts butterflies, food plant for Monarch & Queen Butterfly caterpillars (Danaus plexippus & D. gilippus).

Purple Milkweed are rare plants that are difficult to establish in gardens. We find that the best success is had when Purple Milkweeds are transplanted into place when they are very young, and they are kept neither too wet nor too dry. Once transplanted - it is important to mark them well. They may turn yellow and go suddenly dormant at any time during the summer. If you successfully transplant them the first year, they will begin to grow the following year anytime from late April to mid-June. It may take several years for Purple Milkweeds to flower when introduced into a garden.

Average Moisture
Full Sun
3 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: Zone 5a-9b
Deer Resistant

Native Range: s. ME & ON to MN & SD, south to GA & ne. TX

Purple Milkweed in a 3.5 inch pot (For shipping in late spring) $18.25

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Purple Milkweed Drawing