Fringed Brome  Picture

A cool-season, clump-forming grass of moist areas, the flowering head consists of a large open panicle up to 8" long in May-June, turning to an attractive oatlike, drooping seedhead as the season progresses. Tolerates wet soil and occasional flooding, often found along streams and forest edges, and well-suited for rain gardens and swales. Provides excellent habitat for birds and wildlife, and considered an important food source for an extremely wide variety of species.

Average To Wet
Sun To Shade
2-4 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: 2b-7b
Deer Resistant

Native Range: ME south to NC, TN, MO, NE, and western TX west to CA and north to WA. Native to Canada in BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PE, and NS. Rare in NJ, VA, NC, TN, and NE. Considered extirpated in MD.

Germination - Very Easy: No treatment.

Fringed Brome 3.5 inch pot $13.00
Fringed Brome Seed Packet $5.00

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