An attractive mounding sedge of wet areas, with insignificant green flowers from May-June. Seeds form interesting spiky ovals which persist on the plant into the fall or until eaten by wildlife. Leaves are grasslike, forming a stout, orderly clump. Tolerates wet soil, erosion, and is ideal in rain gardens, wet woodlands, and wet meadows. The seeds are eaten by waterfowl, including many species of ducks.

Moist To Wet
Sun To Shade
2-3 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: 5b-8b
Deer Resistant

Native Range: NY south to FL, west to NM, and north to NE, IA, IL, and MI. Native to Canada in ON and BC. Considered rare in NY, NJ, and NE.

Germination - Easy: Cold Stratify 8 weeks.

Bristly Cattail Sedge in a 3.5 inch pot $13.50
Bristly Cattail Sedge Seed Packet $5.00

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