Pale Coneflower Picture

A lovely meadow flower that's at its best in a diverse group planting, especially mixed with grasses. Produces large pale purple/pink flowers up to 5" across (June to July) with very narrow drooping or dangling petals, giving it a unique attractive look. Seedheads are conelike and persist at the top of the stem over semi-evergreen basal leaves. Tolerant of drought and clay, but prefers well-drained conditions. Seeds are a favorite of goldfinches, nd the flowers attract butterflies and other pollinators.

Dry To Average Moisture
Sun To Part Shade
2-4 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: Zone 5b-8b

Native Range: IN south to NC, Al, LA and TX, north to NE, IA and WI. Native in Canada to ON. Rare in NC, TN, AL, NE and WI

Pale Coneflower 3.5 inch pot $11.50

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