A tall, slender prairie species with unusual showy button-like clusters of purple flowers (July-September) which turn to tufts of wind-dispersed seeds in the fall. Leaves are slender, lanceolate, and tough, with a distinctive rough texture that gives this species its common name, framing a stem that is often tinged purple. Toletes drought, high heat, poor soil, and intense sun, but does not tolerate poorly-drained soil, especially in winter. Extremely popular with hummingbirds and long-tongued pollinators such as Monarchs, Tiger Swallowtails, Fritillaries, and many types of bee (including bumble bees and honeybees!). Seed-eating birds such as goldfinches may also feed on the seeds of this plant, and the corm from which this species grows is a particular favorite of voles. One of the really unique things about this type of Blazing Star is the bracts beneath the flower, which are rounded and flare slightly back and outwards like some sort of intricate origami. This is particularly noticeable when the flowers are in bud, and makes for an extremely cool visual effect before the plant even goes into bloom. A great plant for meadows, prairies, slopes, and well-drained, sunny gardens!

Dry To Average
Full Sun
2-5 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: 3a to 9a

Native Range: OH south to FL, west to TX and north to ND. Native to Canada in ON. Rare in NC.

Rough Blazing Star in a 3.5 inch pot $13.50 (Temporarily Sold Out*)

*We normally carry this item but are temporarily sold out. We expect to have it available again as soon as our plants in production reach sufficient size/maturity or we harvest more seed. In some cases, plants may be recovering from caterpillar damage (Monarchs love our Milkweed), wind or hail damage, rampaging woodchucks, downed trees, or other natural issues. We are constantly updating our web site so please check back again.

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