Blackgirdle Bulrush Picture

A tall, handsome bulrush, producing fluffy-looking brown nodding flower clusters from June-August, and loose dark brown seedheads afterwards. Leaves are narrow and grasslike. This plant is tolerant of sand and gravel, and tends to spread by rhizomes, forming dense tussocks in shallow standing water or wet areas. Provides wetland cover and nesting habitat for birds such as Red-Winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), which may build their nests halfway up a clump of stems in the spring or summer, caterpillar host

Moist To Wet
Sun To Part Shade
3-6 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: Zone 2b-6a
Deer Resistant

Native Range: ME south to PA, NJ, and WV. Also MI, WI, IL, MN, IA, SD, NE, MT, WY, and WA. Native in Canada except YT and NU

Germination - Easy: Cold stratify 8 weeks

Blackgirdle Bulrush in a 3.5 inch pot $12.25
Blackgirdle Bulrush Seed Packet $5.00

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