Elongate clusters (panicles) of sweetly fragrant tiny yellow/green flowers from June to July give rise to bunches of delicious dark purple juicy berries that change from sour to sweet after the first light frost, large heart-shaped leaves up to 6 inch long and 4 inch across with serrated edges, climbing by tendrils (produced every 3rd node), older vines can get quite large with bases up to 4 inch in diameter, shredding gray/brown bark, tolerates only light shade, excellent wildlife food for many birds and mammals (and even box turtles), terrific pollen source for native bees. Host plant to a variety of moths including the Nessus Sphinx (Amphion floridensis), Nessus Sphinx (Amphion floridensis), Pearly Wood Nymph (Eudryas unio), and the beautiful and wonderfully named Bad Wing (Dyspteris abortivaria). A vigorous vine that needs lots of room.
60 feet tall (supported)
Plant Hardiness Zones:
Woody Vine
Native Range: NY across s MI to IA, south to c Fl & e TX. Rare in NY, WI, IA, & NE
Germination - Easy: Plant outdoors in fall or cold stratify 3 months
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