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Black Walnut Tolerant Plants Currently Available by Species

(Note: any item listed as temporarily sold out means that we expect to have them available again in the next 12 months. Please check back later in the year or contact us to reserve plants/seeds of these species.)

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Seeds Plants
Gift Certificate

Toadshade Wildflower Farm Hat

Acer rubrum
Red Maple

Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow

$5.00 $13.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aesculus flava
Yellow Buckeye

Agastache nepetoides
Yellow Giant Hyssop

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Arisaema triphyllum

Aristolochia macrophylla
Dutchman's Pipe

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aristolochia tomentosa
Woolly Dutchman's Pipe

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Asclepias syriaca
Common Milkweed

$5.00 $13.25
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Asimina triloba

Betula nigra
River Birch

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Carpinus caroliniana

$5.00 $20.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Carya ovata
Shagbark Hickory

Catalpa speciosa
Northern Catalpa

Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Chionanthus virginicus

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Clematis virginiana
Virgin's Bower

$5.00 $15.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Clethra alnifolia
Coastal Sweet Pepperbush

$5.00 $19.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Cornus alternifolia
Pagoda Dogwood

Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood

$5.00 $16.75-19.25
Corylus americana
American Filbert

Diarrhena obovata
Obovate Beakgrass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Diospyros virginiana

Doellingeria umbellata
Flat-topped White Aster

$5.00 $12.75
Echinacea purpurea
Eastern Purple Coneflower

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Elymus canadensis
Canada Wild Rye

$5.00 $12.25
Hackelia virginiana
Virginia Stickseed

Helianthus tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke

Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides
Common Hop

$5.00 $18.25
Mertensia virginica
Virginia Bluebells

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Packera anonyma
Small's Ragwort

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Packera aurea
Golden Ragwort

$5.00 $13.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon digitalis
Tall White Beardtongue

$5.00 $11.25
Prunus serotina
Wild Black Cherry

$5.00 $17.75-22.25
Rubus odoratus
Purple Flowering Raspberry

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Salix discolor
Pussy Willow

Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Softstem Rush

$5.00 $12.25
Senna hebecarpa
Wild Senna

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Stylophorum diphyllum
Celandine Poppy

$5.00 $13.75
Tradescantia virginiana
Virginia Spiderwort

Verbena urticifolia
White Vervain

Viburnum dentatum
Southern Arrowwood Viburnum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viola sororia
Common Blue Violet

Seed Temporarily Sold Out

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