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Clay Tolerant Plants Currently Available by Species

(Note: any item listed as temporarily sold out means that we expect to have them available again in the next 12 months. Please check back later in the year or contact us to reserve plants/seeds of these species.)

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Seeds Plants
Gift Certificate

Toadshade Wildflower Farm Hat

Acer negundo var. negundo

$5.00 $19.25-25.25
Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow

$5.00 $12.75
Acorus americanus
American Sweetflag

Actaea racemosa
Black Cohosh

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Allium cernuum
Nodding Onion

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Alnus serrulata
Hazel Alder

$5.00 $29.75
Amsonia ciliata
Fringed Bluestar

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Amsonia illustris
Ozark Bluestar

Amsonia tabernaemontana
Eastern Bluestar

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Andropogon gerardii
Big Bluestem Grass

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Andropogon virginicus
Broomsedge Bluestem

Anemone canadensis
Canadian Anemone

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Apocynum cannabinum
Common Dogbane

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aralia racemosa
American Spikenard

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Aronia melanocarpa
Black Chokeberry

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aronia prunifolia
Purple Chokeberry

Asclepias incarnata
Swamp Milkweed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Asclepias purpurascens
Purple Milkweed

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Asclepias syriaca
Common Milkweed

$5.00 $13.25
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Baptisia australis var. australis
Blue False Indigo

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Baptisia australis var. minor
Dwarf Blue False Indigo

$5.00 $14.25
Betula nigra
River Birch

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Bignonia capreolata

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Boltonia asteroides var. glastifolia
White Doll's Daisy

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Boltonia decurrens
Winged False Aster

$5.00 $12.25
Calycanthus floridus
Carolina Allspice

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Carex crinita var. crinita
Fringed Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex cristatella
Crested Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex grayi
Bur Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex lupulina
Hop Sedge

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Carex vulpinoidea
Fox Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Cephalanthus occidentalis

$5.00 $17.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Chasmanthium latifolium

$5.00 $13.25
Chelone glabra
White Turtlehead

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Chionanthus virginicus

$7.00 $14.00
Clematis virginiana
Virgin's Bower

$5.00 $15.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Collinsonia canadensis

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lance-leaved Coreopsis

Coreopsis tripteris
Tall Coreopsis

$5.00 $11.75
Cornus alternifolia
Pagoda Dogwood

Cornus amomum
Silky Dogwood

Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood

$5.00 $16.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Cornus sericea
Redosier Dogwood

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Corylus americana
American Filbert

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted Hairgrass

Desmodium glabellum
Smooth Tick Trefoil

Dodecatheon meadia
Eastern Shooting Star

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Drosera filiformis
Threadleaf Sundew

Echinacea pallida
Pale Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea
Eastern Purple Coneflower

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Elephantopus carolinianus
Elephant's Foot

$5.00 $13.25
Elymus canadensis
Canada Wild Rye

$5.00 $12.25
Elymus hystrix
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Elymus riparius
Riverbank Wild Rye

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Elymus virginicus
Virginia Wild Rye

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Eryngium yuccifolium
Rattlesnake Master

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Eupatorium hyssopifolium
Hyssop-leaved Boneset

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Common Boneset

$5.00 $13.25
Eupatorium serotinum
Late Flowering Boneset

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eurybia macrophylla
Large-leaved Aster

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Euthamia caroliniana
Slender Goldentop

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eutrochium dubium
Coastal Plain Joe Pye Weed

$5.00 $12.75
Eutrochium fistulosum
Hollow Joe-Pye-Weed

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eutrochium maculatum
Spotted Joe-Pye-Weed

$5.00 $12.75
Gentiana clausa
Meadow Bottle Gentian

Hamamelis virginiana
American Witch-Hazel

Helenium autumnale
Helen's Flower

Helianthus angustifolius
Narrow-leaved Sunflower

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Helianthus maximiliani
Maximilian Sunflower

Helianthus mollis
Downy Sunflower

$5.00 $12.75
Helianthus tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke

Heliopsis helianthoides var. helianthoides

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Hydrangea arborescens
Wild Hydrangea

$5.00 $25.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hypericum ascyron
Great St. Johnswort

$5.00 $18.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hypericum kalmianum
Kalm's St. Johnswort

$5.00 $20.75-24.75
Hypericum prolificum
Shrubby St. Johnswort

$5.00 $17.25-18.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hypericum punctatum
Spotted St. Johnswort

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Iris versicolor
Northern Blue Flag Iris

Juncus canadensis
Canada Rush

Juncus effusus
Soft Rush

$5.00 $11.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Juncus tenuis
Path Rush

$5.00 $11.75
Liatris aspera
Rough Blazing Star

Liatris spicata
Dense Blazing Star

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal Flower

$5.00 $14.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lobelia cardinalis White Form
Cardinal Flower (Pure White Form)

$5.00 $15.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lobelia cardinalis White/Pink Form
Cardinal Flower (White/Pink Form)

$5.00 $16.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lobelia inflata
Indian Tobacco

Lobelia puberula
Downy Lobelia

Lobelia siphilitica
Great Blue Lobelia

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lobelia siphilitica (White Form)
Great Lobelia (White Form)

$5.00 $14.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Luzula acuminata
Hairy Woodrush

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Lycopus americanus
American Water Horehound

$5.00 $12.25
Lythrum alatum var. alatum
Winged Loosestrife

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Ostrich Fern

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Mertensia virginica
Virginia Bluebells

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Mikania scandens
Climbing Hempvine

Monarda didyma
Scarlet Beebalm

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Monarda media
Purple Bergamot

$5.00 $12.75
Monarda fistulosa
Wild Bergamot

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Oenothera gaura
Biennial Beeblossom

$5.00 $14.25
Onoclea sensibilis
Sensitive Fern

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Ostrya virginiana
Hop Hornbeam

Packera anonyma
Small's Ragwort

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Packera aurea
Golden Ragwort

$5.00 $13.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Panicum virgatum
Switch Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Parthenium integrifolium
Wild Quinine

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Virginia Creeper

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon digitalis
Tall White Beardtongue

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon smallii
Small's Beardtongue

Phlox paniculata
Pink Summer Phlox

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Phlox paniculata White form
Pink Summer Phlox (White Form)

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Physocarpus opulifolius
Atlantic Ninebark

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Physostegia virginiana
Obedient Plant

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Phytolacca americana var. americana
American Pokeweed

$5.00 $13.25
Polygonatum biflorum var. biflorum
Smooth Solomon's-Seal

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum
Giant Solomon's-Seal

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Polygonum virginianum

$5.00 $12.25
Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata
Common Self-Heal

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Prunus serotina
Wild Black Cherry

$5.00 $17.75-20.25
Prunus virginiana

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Pycnanthemum incanum
Hoary Mountainmint

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Slender Mountain Mint

$5.00 $12.75
Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum
Hairy Mountainmint

Ratibida pinnata
Prairie Coneflower

$5.00 $11.75
Rosa virginiana
Virginia Rose

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rubus allegheniensis
Allegheny Blackberry

$5.00 $26.00
Rudbeckia fulgida
Brown-eyed Susan

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rudbeckia hirta
Black-eyed Susan

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rudbeckia subtomentosa
Sweet Black-eyed Susan

$5.00 $12.25
Rudbeckia triloba
Thin-leaved Coneflower

$5.00 $12.25
Ruellia humilis
Wild Hairy Petunia

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Salix discolor
Pussy Willow

Salvia lyrata
Lyreleaf Sage

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis
American Black Elderberry

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Softstem Rush

$5.00 $12.25
Scirpus atrocinctus
Blackgirdle Bulrush

$5.00 $12.25
Scirpus pallidus
Cloaked Bulrush

$5.00 $12.25
Senna hebecarpa
Wild Senna

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Senna marilandica
Maryland Senna

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Silphium terebinthinaceum
Prairie Dock

Smilax rotundifolia
Roundleaf Greenbrier

$5.00 $16.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Solidago altissima
Late Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.25
Solidago caesia
Wreath Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.75
Solidago flexicaulis
Zig-zag Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Solidago gigantea
Giant Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Solidago patula var. patula
Roundleaf Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.25
Solidago sempervirens
Seaside Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.75
Solidago speciosa
Showy Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold out
Sorghastrum nutans

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Spiraea alba var. latifolia
White Meadowsweet

$5.00 $21.25-29.75
Spiranthes cernua
Nodding Lady's tresses

Sporobolus heterolepis
Northern Dropseed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Heart-leaved Aster

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum laeve
Smooth Blue Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum
White Panicled Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Calico Aster

$5.00 $11.75
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
New England Aster

$5.00 $11.25
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Aromatic Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides
Crooked Stem Aster

$5.00 $11.75
Thermopsis villosa
Carolina Bush Pea

Toxicodendron radicans ssp. radicans
Eastern Poison Ivy

$5.00 $15.25
Tradescantia bracteata
Prairie Spiderwort

Tradescantia ohiensis
Ohio Spiderwort

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Tradescantia virginiana
Virginia Spiderwort

Tridens flavus

Verbena hastata
Blue Vervain

$5.00 $11.00
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Vernonia noveboracensis
New York Ironweed

$5.00 $14.75
Veronicastrum virginicum
Culver's Root

$5.00 $14.25
Viburnum dentatum
Southern Arrowwood Viburnum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viburnum lentago
Nannyberry Viburnum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Viburnum prunifolium
Black Haw

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viola sororia
Common Blue Violet

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Viola sororia 'Freckles'
Freckles Violet

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viola sororia Magenta Selection
Bucks County Magenta Violet

Viola sororia var. priceana
Confederate Violet

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Yucca filamentosa
Adam's Needle

$5.00 $19.25
For pickup only

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