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Salt Tolerant Plants Currently Available by Species

(Note: any item listed as temporarily sold out means that we expect to have them available again in the next 12 months. Please check back later in the year or contact us to reserve plants/seeds of these species.)

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Seeds Plants
Gift Certificate

Toadshade Wildflower Farm Hat

Acer negundo var. negundo

$5.00 $20.25
Acer rubrum
Red Maple

Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow

$5.00 $13.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aesculus flava
Yellow Buckeye

Allium cernuum
Nodding Onion

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Andropogon gerardii
Big Bluestem Grass

$5.00 $13.25
Andropogon virginicus
Broomsedge Bluestem

Anemone canadensis
Canadian Anemone

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aquilegia canadensis
Wild Eastern Columbine

$5.00 $12.75
Aquilegia canadensis Corbett
Golden Eastern Columbine

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Aronia arbutifolia
Red Chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa
Black Chokeberry

Aronia prunifolia
Purple Chokeberry

Asclepias incarnata
Swamp Milkweed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Baptisia australis var. australis
Blue False Indigo

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Betula lenta
Sweet Birch

Betula nigra
River Birch

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Betula populifolia
Gray Birch

$5.00 $15.75-37.25
Bidens cernua
Nodding Bur-Marigold

Boltonia asteroides var. glastifolia
White Doll's Daisy

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Campanula rotundifolia

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Campsis radicans
Trumpet Creeper

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Carex grayi
Bur Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex stricta
Upright Sedge

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Carex vulpinoidea
Fox Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carya ovata
Shagbark Hickory

Catalpa speciosa
Northern Catalpa

Celtis occidentalis
American Hackberry

Cephalanthus occidentalis

$5.00 $17.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Chasmanthium latifolium

$5.00 $13.25
Clethra alnifolia
Coastal Sweet Pepperbush

$5.00 $19.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Collinsonia canadensis

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lance-leaved Coreopsis

Cornus racemosa
Red-panicled Dogwood

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted Hairgrass

Dichanthelium clandestinum
Deertongue Grass

$5.00 $11.25
Diospyros virginiana

Doellingeria umbellata
Flat-topped White Aster

$5.00 $12.75
Echinacea purpurea
Eastern Purple Coneflower

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Equisetum hyemale var. affine
Scouring Rush

Eupatorium hyssopifolium
Hyssop-leaved Boneset

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Common Boneset

$5.00 $13.25
Eupatorium serotinum
Late Flowering Boneset

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eurybia divaricata
White Wood Aster

$5.00 $11.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eurybia spectabilis
Eastern Showy Aster

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Eutrochium fistulosum
Hollow Joe-Pye-Weed

$5.00 $12.75
Eutrochium maculatum
Spotted Joe-Pye-Weed

$5.00 $12.75
Eutrochium purpureum
Sweet Joe Pye Weed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Geum canadense
White Avens

$5.00 $13.25
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky Coffeetree

Hamamelis virginiana
American Witch-Hazel

Helenium autumnale
Helen's Flower

Helianthus mollis
Downy Sunflower

$5.00 $12.75
Hibiscus moscheutos
Crimson-eyed Rose-Mallow

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hordeum jubatum
Squirrel-tail Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Hydrangea arborescens
Wild Hydrangea

$5.00 $25.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hypericum ascyron
Great St. Johnswort

$5.00 $18.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Hypericum kalmianum
Kalm's St. Johnswort

$5.00 $20.75-24.75
Ilex opaca
American Holly

Ilex verticillata
Winterberry Holly

$5.00 $17.25-22.25
Iris versicolor
Northern Blue Flag Iris

Juglans nigra
Black Walnut

Juncus canadensis
Canada Rush

Juncus effusus
Soft Rush

$5.00 $11.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Juncus tenuis
Path Rush

$5.00 $11.75
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Redcedar

$5.00 $14.75-15.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Larix laricina

Liatris aspera
Rough Blazing Star

Liatris spicata
Dense Blazing Star

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Liquidambar styraciflua

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lonicera sempervirens
Coral Honeysuckle

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Monarda didyma
Scarlet Beebalm

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Monarda fistulosa
Wild Bergamot

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Monarda punctata ssp. punctata
Spotted Beebalm

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Opuntia humifusa
Prickly Pear Cactus

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Packera aurea
Golden Ragwort

$5.00 $13.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Panicum virgatum
Switch Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Virginia Creeper

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon calycosus
Calico Beardtongue

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon canescens
Eastern Gray Beardtongue

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon digitalis
Tall White Beardtongue

$5.00 $11.25
Penstemon hirsutus
Northeastern Beardtongue

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Penstemon laevigatus
Eastern Smooth Beardtongue

$5.00 $12.75
Penstemon pallidus
Pale Beardtongue

Penstemon smallii
Small's Beardtongue

Penstemon tubaeflorus
White Wand Beardtongue

$5.00 $11.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Phlox subulata
Moss Phlox

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Physostegia virginiana
Obedient Plant

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Plantago maritima
Seaside Plantain

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Platanus occidentalis

$5.00 $20.25
Polygonum virginianum

$5.00 $12.25
Populus deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

Prunus maritima
Beach Plum

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Prunus serotina
Wild Black Cherry

$5.00 $17.75-22.25
Prunus virginiana

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Quercus alba
White Oak

Quercus macrocarpa
Bur Oak

Quercus palustris
Pin Oak

Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak

Rhus copallinum var. copallinum
Winged Sumac

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Rhus typhina
Staghorn Sumac

$5.00 $17.25-17.75
Rosa carolina
Carolina Rose

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rosa nitida
Shining Rose

Rosa virginiana
Virginia Rose

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rudbeckia fulgida
Brown-eyed Susan

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rudbeckia hirta
Black-eyed Susan

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Rudbeckia laciniata
Tall Coneflower

$5.00 $13.25
Ruellia humilis
Wild Hairy Petunia

$5.00 $14.75
Salix discolor
Pussy Willow

Salvia lyrata
Lyreleaf Sage

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis
American Black Elderberry

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem Grass

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Softstem Rush

$5.00 $12.25
Scirpus cyperinus

$5.00 $12.75
Sedum glaucophyllum
Cliff Stonecrop

$5.00 $14.75
Sedum ternatum
Wild Stonecrop

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Solidago caesia
Wreath Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.75
Solidago flexicaulis
Zig-zag Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Solidago gigantea
Giant Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.25
Solidago odora
Sweet Goldenrod

Solidago patula var. patula
Roundleaf Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.25
Solidago rugosa
Rough-Stemmed Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.75
Solidago sempervirens
Seaside Goldenrod

$5.00 $12.75
Solidago speciosa
Showy Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.25
Plants Temporarily Sold out
Solidago ulmifolia
Elmleaf Goldenrod

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Sorghastrum nutans

$5.00 $12.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Spiraea tomentosa

$5.00 $19.25
Sporobolus heterolepis
Northern Dropseed

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Heart-leaved Aster

$5.00 $13.75
Symphyotrichum laeve
Smooth Blue Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum
White Panicled Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
New England Aster

$5.00 $11.25
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
New York Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Sky Blue Aster

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum
Frost Aster

$5.00 $9.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Symphyotrichum puniceum
Purple Stemmed Aster

$5.00 $11.75
Teucrium canadense
Canada Germander

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Toxicodendron radicans ssp. radicans
Eastern Poison Ivy

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Typha angustifolia
Narrow-leaved Cattail

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Typha latifolia
Common Cattail

$5.00 $15.75
Verbena hastata
Blue Vervain

$5.00 $11.00
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Verbena urticifolia
White Vervain

Viburnum dentatum
Southern Arrowwood Viburnum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viburnum lentago
Nannyberry Viburnum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Viburnum prunifolium
Black Haw

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Yucca filamentosa
Adam's Needle

$5.00 $17.25
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Zizia aurea
Golden Alexanders

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Plants Temporarily Sold Out

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